Fall and Winter Swimming for Triathletes Part 2

In addition to improving your swim technique weak spots, and keeping some level of swim fitness, hitting the pool this fall and winter comes with some advantages you may not have considered. Especially if you are committed to run training and racing over the cooler months, swimming can enhance your running season with these benefits.

1. The water can aid in recovery after running. Some studies show that swimming can reduce muscle inflammation. Hydrostatic pressure from the dense water increases circulation to limbs, delivering more oxygen and clearing lactic acid.

2. Swimming can help with flexibility and injury prevention. All swimming strokes rely on core stability. Some strokes such as freestyle will also help extend muscles that are used heavily in running such as the hip flexors. Freestyle also will promote ankle flexibility.


Finding hip flexor extension and ankle flexibility in freestyle

3. Low impact training because of the buoyancy from the water means you can enjoy a workout without the pounding of running. You can choose your level of exertion to train your cardiovascular system without the impact on your joints and muscles.

4. Mix up your effort levels to experiment with breathing control. The limited access to air during swimming forces you to be in control of your exhalation and inhalation. By varying your effort level and speed during your swim you can learn how to keep breathing soft and regular during different paces. This is a great way to become aware of breath control on land.

5. It’s a great place to stretch! Use the water’s buoyancy to find greater range of motion in your stretches. Lunges, leg raises, quads and hamstring stretches will never feel so good. Here is a guide to help you along http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/beating-injury/water-workouts/8525-6.html

Perhaps heading to the pool now can be a lot more productive! Swim, strengthen, stretch and recover all in one workout?! Let’s get on it!

Coach Dinah